General assembly 2022

Events News

In the harmonious meeting, the chairman was able to report on numerous events of the year.

He was particularly pleased that the activities in the former synagogue after the restrictions of the years 2020 and 2021 this year have practically reached the pre-Corona level again. The cash management and the work of the board were applauded by the assembly and unanimously discharged.
The subsequent board elections resulted in:
- 1st Chairman: Dr. Jürgen Scherer
- 2nd chairman: Bernhard Brückner
- Treasurer: Angela Nusko
- Secretary: Matthias Walz
- Press officer: Friedrich Heidecker
- Christian Grandl
- Margret Löther
- Martina Meyer-Espert
- Stefanie Schäffer
Mrs. Beate Krämer and Mrs. Karin Tremmel retired from the board and were thanked for many years of work in the board.
In the future, the general meeting should take place in the spring or summer to make it easier for members to participate.
For 2023, the exact dates could not yet be determined in consideration of the speakers and exhibitors. Planned are: Participation in Holocaust Memorial Day - lectures and/or exhibitions with the Gymnasium Marktbreit - concert with the music school Marktbreit and surroundings - Nikolausmarkt.